Streamlined Cloud & Data Centre Solutions
Expert consultancy, project execution, and cutting-edge automation tools for seamless, secure data centre setup.
Consultancy: Ad-hoc & Retained
A brief description of Copper Cloud’s consultancy services, o ering exible, expert advisory services on both an ad-hoc and retained basis for telco and data centre projects.
Project Teams: Whole or Micro
Highlight the ability to assemble whole or partial project teams specially for telco or data centre projects, ensuring end-to-end service delivery.
Expertise in handling both single and multi-vendor environments.
Unique automation tools that streamline and secure the setup of data centres, providing faster deployments
Flexibility in providing both consultancy services and complete project team solutions.
Operating at the epicentre of the convergence between Technology / IT and Telecomms,
Project: VMWare Replacement
Full Scoping and Budgeting
Vendor Neutral
Project Team Build
Testimonial Part one
Testimonial Part 2
We work across Tier One and Two projects…